Thursday, September 23, 2010

Gypsies, Shower Curtains, and a Soccer Ball

After several days of cold rain, we have been soaking in the sunshine and its warm rays this week. On Tuesday morning, the five of us had a nice time of sharing, devotions, and prayer. I’ve found that this time of sharing what’s on our hearts, what we feel like God is teaching us, and the struggles we are facing to be such an important part of our week. It’s enriching to hear each of us express what we got out of a situation, because often each of us may see or get something different out of things we experience. On the other hand, the five of us can take away five different interpretations from what a Croatian told us, which can be quite entertaining as well. haha.

Wednesday, we went with our friend to a gypsy village hidden in a rural area. No one in the village really spoke English. They have their own language, which we obviously don’t know either, but we tried to interact with what little Croatian we do know. We brought bread and juice to share with them and they served us coffee. One woman showed us her home, which had holes all in the roof, no door, and busted out glass for a window. We played with the precious children and interacted a little bit with some different members of the community. This could be one area where we could get involved. We are praying for God to direct us and show us how He can use us. 

On the way back to town, we talked with a few kids going home from school. They were excited to practice their English, and anxious to hear our Croatian- or maybe just laugh at our pronunciation.

Today, Hope, Emily, and I went to town to get a few things. This included a shower curtain, since the one we had before required that we strategically hold the showerhead in order not to get the whole bathroom wet. haha. Needless to say, we were pretty pleased to put it up. However, I think I’d have to say my favorite buy was the soccer ball I found. I’d been trying to get one for a while, so I was pretty pumped to find one in a sports outlet store for a good price (especially for less than 1/5 of what someone told me a good ball would cost here). I’m excited to put it to use and to meet some more people through that. Also today I talked to our Croatian mom, Jadranka (the woman Emily, Hope, and I stayed with the first 2 weeks we were here), who is an amazing cook, and she invited us to her house for dinner Saturday. This news definitely put a smile on our faces.

We are thankful for the moments God shows up in small and big ways. Each day is a special part of this journey we are on. In the words of Charles R. Swindoll, “Today is unique! It has never occurred before and it will never be repeated. At midnight it will end, quietly, suddenly, totally. Forever. But the hours between now and then are opportunities with eternal possibilities.” May we allow God to open our eyes to see these opportunities and let Him work in and through us as we live to serve Him .



  1. It is such a blessing to read your blog and see how God is opening up opportunities for your team to be used by Him! Glad you found a soccer ball. Trust the weather stays nice so you can play with the children.
    Love to all.

  2. Thanks Carole! We appreciate you reading the blog and for the encouragement you always bring. I'm hoping the weather stays nice too. Hope you and Roger are taking care of yourselves. You're awesome :)

    love ya,

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So what's the chance of someone posting some pictures? I'm thinking picutures would be a great idea. Did I mention posting some pictures? :)

  5. Hej koliko je dobar tvoj Hrvatskom ovih dana?

  6. Dober dan. We are still working on our Croatian. We know a few basics, but we have a lot to learn.
