Ever since we've been here in Croatia, God has blessed us with gracious hosts who have given us shelter, food, and above all else, their friendship. Vito and Jadranka opened their home to the girls, while me and Jerry spent a week with Croatia's finest, haha; Zeljko, Marko, and Darko. We are all forever grateful for the kindness and generosity shown us from these amazing people.
Now, as of a few days ago, we have moved into apartments of our own, and we're slowly getting more settled in this country. Our apartments are in a little community located in the southwest corner of the city, within walking distance of a beautiful park around the lake called Jarun. We're also within walking distance of this huge market, which we were able to visit the other day for groceries, and is also the place where I most recently made a huge fool of myself.
If there was ever a time that I've felt like a helpless child, it was in this market. I found myself staring at food labels for what seemed like hours, hopelessly trying to decode the unfamiliar mixture of letters, spending ten minutes in the dairy section trying to decide which was the yogurt (yeah, i know, it's spelled "jogurt," and not "kiselo vrhnje"). Anyways, though this country is still incredibly unfamiliar, it's slowly starting to grow on me.
I am a stranger in my own bathroom (due to the women in my house). I got in the shower and was looking for 'Shampoo'. The bottle I ppicked up was labelled "Awapunti" It sounded more Cherokee than Croatian, but I had no idea where to rub it on my body.